최근 해외에서는 재난의학분야 ACGME 인증이 되는 과제로 「병원 재난 대비, CBRNe(화학, 생물학, 방사능, 핵, 폭발물), 의사소통, 기술과 재난의학, 재난의학에서 윤리적인 관점」 등 있으며, 미국 및 유럽 등에서는 많은 전문가 양성 및 교육인증센터를 체계화하여 운영하고 있습니다.
국내 주요 재난의학 교육기관으로는 중앙응급의료센터(KDLS, 한국형재난의료지원), 서울대병원(NDLS, 국가재난응급의료교육센터), 신촌세브란스병원(재난의료교육센터), 대한재난의학회(대한응급의학회 산하단체, 개인사업자), 신재난의학아카데미(대표 신희준, 법인사업자) 등이 있으나, 전문적이고 체계적으로 재난의학의 모든 영역을 다루며 교육과 인증시스템을 구비하고 있는 기관은 신재난의학아카데미 이외에 없는 실정입니다.
순천향대학교부천병원 응급의학과 신희준 교수는 하버드 의과대학병원 BIDMC 재난의학 펠로우쉽 및 하버드 의과대학 연구 펠로우 출신으로 동 기관을 포함하여 다양한 재난의학 국제 전문 자격증을 가지고 있으며 미국 및 유럽재난의학회와 긴밀한 유대관계가 있고, 해외 재난 전문 강사들과의 협업체계를 구축할 수 있는 실력있는 전문가로 2024년 1월부로 SCH 재난의학센터의 센터장으로 정식 임명 및 발령 받았습니다.
SCH 재난의학센터는 세계 유수 재난의학교육 기관들과 MOU를 체결하여 순천향 브랜드 가치를 상승시키고, 재난전문가 양성교육 및 인증체계를 구축하여 국내 최고의 전문 교육기관으로 자리잡고자 합니다.
Recently, disaster medicine accreditation by ACGME has become a significant task in overseas institutions. This includes areas such as hospital disaster preparedness, CBRNe (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives), physician communication, technology and disaster medicine, and ethical perspectives in disaster medicine. Many expert training and education certification centers have been systematized and operated in countries like the United States and Europe.
In South Korea, major disaster medicine education institutions include the Korea Disaster Life Support Center (KDLS, Korean Disaster Life Support), Seoul National University Hospital (NDLS, National Disaster Emergency Medical Education Center), SMC Severance Hospital (Disaster Medical Education Center), Korean Society of Disaster Medicine (a subsidiary organization of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine, operated by individual proprietors), and the Shin's Disaster Medicine Academy (led by Heejun Shin, a LLC CEO & Founding Director). However, it is a fact that, apart from the Shin's Disaster Medicine Academy, there are no institutions that handle all areas of disaster medicine professionally and systematically, equipped with education and certification systems.
Professor Heejoon Shin of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Soonchunhyang University Bucheon Hospital is a Harvard Medical School-affiliated BIDMC Disaster Medicine Fellowship and Harvard Medical School Research Fellow graduate. He holds various international professional qualifications in disaster medicine, including those from the United States and European Disaster Medicine Associations, and has close ties with overseas disaster medicine experts. As of January 2024, he has been officially appointed and commissioned as the Director of the SCH Disaster Medicine Center.
The SCH Disaster Medicine Center aims to enhance the brand value of Soonchunhyang University by signing MOUs with leading disaster medicine education institutions worldwide, establishing a system for training disaster experts, and becoming the top professional education institution in South Korea.